Flat io clef change middle of measure
Flat io clef change middle of measure

flat io clef change middle of measure

Example 1 below summarizes the hierarchical relationship between some of the most common section types. The two largest categories of formal function are core sections and auxiliary sections. These spans are then classified based on the identity of their musical material and how the section “functions” in the context of the piece. Understanding the form of a musical work typically involves breaking it down into spans of time, based on how each span is similar to and/or contrasts with other spans.

  • Auxiliary sections are either external or connective.
  • Core sections are either main or contrasting.
  • Musical sections are either core or auxiliary.
  • Analyzing musical form involves determining the identity and function of musical spans.
  • Hope what I'm saying makes some kind of sense. (I had to edit this post a little bit more from what I originally wrote, because my manner of describing really stinks today. Still don't understand why there's no handle for the clef when I've inserted it without the metatool though.

    flat io clef change middle of measure

    I have been using Finale for over 15 years and didn't know there was a difference between selecting clef tool from the tool palate (assigning everything using double clicks and dialogue boxes), vs using something called a metatool (when IN clef tool, I clicked 4 on my selected measure portion to insert the bass clef symbol where I needed it, AND it had a handle!). I'm running FinaleĮDIT TO ADD: I dug a little more and found this: So help with both issues would be greatly appreciated. I thought I could possibly just move the clef manually, that's when I encountered this problem that I'm not provided with a handle, try as I might. I needed measures 1:1 - 4:3 to be bass clef as opposed to the default treble, and despite trying both manually selecting those portions with the click+drag method you describe, as well as punching in the numbers in the dialog box, the result is that it only gives me bass clef for 1:1 - 3:4 (at measure 4 it changes back to treble, against my request otherwise). I also generally have buggy experience with the clef tool, even for when I'm trying to do whole measures.

    flat io clef change middle of measure

    Even when I select the portion of the measure with the clef I want to change no handle for the clef is provided. Hi I'm having the same problem as this poster.

    Flat io clef change middle of measure